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Bound To Be GAGGED
Bound To Be GAGGED
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Emma Ray - Sibling's Annoying Friend

4/15/22 7:00 PM21 min1091 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR


Zahn is just trying to watch some TV when his step-sister’s annoying friend, Emma, plops down on the couch next to him, cookie in hand, and asks if his step-sister is around. He tells her she isn’t there and he doesn’t know where she is, hoping that will be enough to send Emma away, but instead she sticks around, being her normal bothersome self. She takes the TV remote from him, criticizes his choice in shows, and starts watching something else. She actually expects him to leave, even putting her socked feet in his face to encourage his departure. Reaching his limit, Zahn does leave but quickly returns with a few bundles of rope, saying he’s going to make Emma more bearable to be around. Soon he has Emma bound at the wrists, ankles, knees, and chest (done off-screen). Emma isn’t too thrilled when he sits next to her and turns his show back on and it quickly becomes clear that she isn’t going to sit and enjoy it quietly. Zahn was actually hoping for this, since he’s secretly wanted to gag her for a while now. He stuffs a spongy toy basketball in her mouth and ties a thick white cloth over her lips. Much better but he thinks she could be made quieter so he goes off in search of a better gag. Emma struggles against the ropes and gag, not liking being restrained and unable to annoy people to the best of her abilities. Zahn returns with one of his step-sister’s socks, which goes into Emma’s mouth, sealed in place with four strips of pink kinesiology tape. Satisfied with the improved gag, Zahn continues watching and tries to bother Emma some, too. Eventually, he decides to call his step-sister, telling her he finally found a way to tolerate being around Emma. Emma tries to talk to her friend but it’s hard to say how much is understood with a sock taped in her mouth. After hanging up, he turns the show Emma criticized back on and leaves the house to get some food, taking the remote with him. Emma struggles on the couch, wondering how long it will be before he or his step-sister gets home to let her go.

The storyline part of the clip ends at around 19:25 and the rest is behind the scenes footage showing the removal of Emma’s last gag.

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